Everything you love is now in one place. Easily save and share all the memories and experiences you recommend others to explore. Your unforgettable moments, the places that were worth the visit, movies that made you cry or left you breathless with laughter, the song that’s your jam, the products you want to tell everyone about, anything and everything that you love. Fayvo doesn’t stop at just your favorites. It opens a new world for you to discover what the people are saving, sharing, and recommending. Follow your friends, family, and other users from all over the world and stay connected to enjoy life and get inspired by thousands of people and their experiences. Fayvo has got you covered! Find endless recommendations for everything you love and explore the Fayvo community for people who have the same interests as you. Features on Fayvo: • Keep everything you love in one place • Save your favorites with just a few taps • Create lists using different APIs to add you... Leer más