Save and categorize bookmarks from apps or browsers. Access them quickly and easily Save anything you discover: books, articles, shopping, news, recipes… Manage all of them in one app and view them later using a highly customizable display. No Ads!! No mandatory login!! Keeplink also collects, when possible, the url image and url title you are saving to automatically populate the other fields. Everything is nicely placed using icons which allow you to use the app in a more visual way. You can create a "Private" category with a password to save them privately. You can keep a backup of your links, categories and subcategories in case you change or lose your phone. *FEATURES Keeplink bookmark management app provide you all the features you need: - Easy organize bookmarks within categories with your favorites icons - You can manage bookmarks by categories and subcategories. - It's easy to find the web page you want to view because the app adds a icon and thumbnail of th... Leer más